by mdimran03 | Feb 19, 2023 | Govt schemes
INTRODUCTION We live in a developing country India .The Indian ecomomy is growing at a slow rate of 8% only.As estimated Gross Domestic product(GDP) growth was at 8.7% in financial year 2021-22 against a contraction of 6.6% in 2020-21. Moreover Per capita income of...
by mdimran03 | Feb 19, 2023 | Govt schemes
INTRODUCTION TO AGNIPATH SCHEME Government of India has introduced Agnipath scheme on 14th June 2022. It was launchedĀ to meet the requirement of Indian armed forces and thereby to provide employement to Indian youth who are severly struggling to get job. Basically...
by mdimran03 | Feb 19, 2023 | Govt schemes
INTRODUCTION TO MAKE IN INDIA:- Make in India is definetly a very ambitious scheme launched by the Prime minister of India Shri Narendra Modi on 25th Sept.2014. This compaign basically focuses on facilitating job creation as a whole. Furthermore It also focuses onĀ ...